Friday, December 11, 2009

More Christmas Pics...........

Went simple with the front porch
this time....

Living room.....

I like doing this basket with "snow"...

just plug it in! it's really pretty in person

I just love these pillows...

here's what's over the cabinet...

this was my first year doing this..normally i just put
a village up there and plug it in..but i really like the
garland better... 

Well I may not post anymore until the NewYear,
I'll be busy with presents and family and my son has
a birthday a week after Christmas,my husband 2 weeks
after him and my daughter 3 weeks after that...WHEW!!!
then it will be time to decorate for Valentines that won't
be too bad I'll just leave the Candyland tree up for that :)
I do hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a very
Happy New Year...I'll see you in 2010 !! God Bless!
Happy Decorating,

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Decorations for the kitchen.............

I seem to be showing my Christmas
decorations in stages :) so with that
said here the kitchen!

the "wrapped"gifts on top are just empty boxes
I had...sometimes I use empty detergant and
pizza works!

I am really surprised that this sign hasn't gotten
knocked down yet...this is a opening over looking
the family room....

and here are some more "presents" over the kitchen
cabinets...with peppermint paper plates!

the other side.........

the "present" you see here is a empty box also :)

a little wreath for the pantry door.....

a reindeer for the garage door....                          

I'm still adding touches here and there...seems like
every day I'm doing something...but it's fun though!
Happy Decorating,

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dining room is decorated...

As my family pulled out of the driveway
Thanksgiving night I started takingdown
my fall decorations so here's what I've
done in the dining room......

closer look at the hutch....

 my Candyland-Gingerbread tree :)

 the topper...

the chandlier....

my dining table which i'm proud's simple and I
think that's what I like about it....

 this wooden house i bought pre-made a while back
painted it red of course and it's been now
it actually has a purpose...i just added the gingerbread
girls inside just to have some where to put them :)

and on the other side of the room my Santa and village

closer look......

I'm so pleased with the way my dining room turned
out...i would like to get some actual curtains up in
there instead of just the sheers but one thing at a time!

Happy Decorating,