this time....
Living room.....
I like doing this basket with "snow"...
just plug it in! it's really pretty in person
I just love these pillows...
here's what's over the cabinet...
this was my first year doing this..normally i just put
a village up there and plug it in..but i really like the
garland better...
Well I may not post anymore until the NewYear,
I'll be busy with presents and family and my son has
a birthday a week after Christmas,my husband 2 weeks
after him and my daughter 3 weeks after that...WHEW!!!
then it will be time to decorate for Valentines that won't
be too bad I'll just leave the Candyland tree up for that :)
I do hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a very
Happy New Year...I'll see you in 2010 !! God Bless!
Happy Decorating,